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How We Achieve Our High-Quality Apron Features

Written by Ryan Pryor on November 27, 2021
Category: X-Ray Lead Aprons


We understand that choosing the right x-ray lead apron can be challenging because it can be difficult to know what features make up the best lead apron for radiation protection


First, there are many key steps involved in apron construction. From selecting your perfect choice in fabric and color to the important decision of the type of radiation protective media inside, Techno-Aide makes each and every one of our protective garments with the highest quality standard. You can learn about the details of this attention from our quality verification. In addition to the overall construction and quality, the following highlight two other high-quality apron features:


As we talk about efficiency and we talk about speed to execution and getting you the products that you want, one of the machines that we love to showcase and talk about is our pocket setting machine. While it seems like a simple process, before we had this machine, it used to take up to 15 minutes to do one pocket on any single garment. Now, with this technology that we've invested in, we can make up to 15 pockets in 1 minute. 


What we do is cut through, just like we do with all of our garments, with precision machine-cutting to provide the exact same style, the exact same cut, and the exact same dimensions every single time, and we're able to precut these options ready to be placed on any garment. We place these items into this machine, and what you get is quality. You get the exact same placing, the exact same option every single time with increased durability that we cant offer without this type of investment.  



One of the many things that Techno-Aide is proud to offer is our free embroidery on all of our Techno-Aide apparel items. To accomplish this, we utilize a piece of machinery that allows precision, quality, and execution. Our digital embroidery machine allows us to provide you with exactly what you need your garments to say whether that be an identification for the room that your product goes into or your logo or branding. You simply provide us with a copy of whatever it is that you need to be embroidered, and we are able to digitize it and put it onto your garments, free of charge. 



At Techno-Aide, we strive to keep you safe with high-quality protective apparel and supplies. If you'd like any assistance finding a new front protection apron, full protection apron, or even the best apron storage, please reach out about any of your protective equipment needs today.