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The Advantages of Closed Cell Sponges

Written by Ryan Pryor on November 29, 2021
Category: X-Ray Positioning Sponges


One of the biggest challenges in radiology or any sort of medical imaging is getting patient positioning accurate while not interfering with that image so that it is an unusable product. Generally speaking, this is called artifacting


You may be familiar with something like Techno-Aide's coated foam sponges. This is a piece of spongy foam that is covered with our proprietary coating that allows this product to be used in any sort of medical imaging. It creates a cleanable surface that is pliable, comfortable, soft, and allows you to get the patient in the correct position for whatever procedure is that you need. 


Now, the problem with these is often anytime you add some sort of covering to a sponge it's going to show up in an x-ray and create what you call artifacts. Artifacts cut through the image and the important parts and unfortunately cause the image to be unusable. Anytime you have to take an image, not only is it dangerous for the patient and the technologist, but it also is wasted money and wasted time. These things are things of the past. 


You may be familiar with the vinyl-covered sponge option. These are even more durable and even more comfortable; however, the heavy-duty vinyl absolutely shows under x-ray so it limits even more what type of image you can get with that patient. 


We consider one of the most revolutionary products in medical imaging which is crosslink or closed-cell foam sponges. Closed-cell foam is a lightweight, durable, non-porous foam. That means it is able to be cleaned, and it is liquid-resistant and fluid-resistant without the need for any sort of heavy-duty vinyl covering or proprietary coating. 


This product not only is cleanable, will pass inspection, and is durable, it's also entirely radiolucent and 100% artifact-free. No matter where you put this in the imaging field, this product will not show as an artifact under any imaging. This product will give you all the benefits of any other type of positioning product with none of the drawbacks. 


Here's the best part: more often than not, these are less expensive than any of the other positioning devices. You can shop all of Techno-Aide's selection of radiolucent positioning sponges including a full collection of closed call sponges now. 


If you want to learn more about types of x-ray sponges, read this guide to x-ray positioning sponges and aids or how stealth sponges are the solution for reducing artifacts.