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X-Ray Lead Apron Construction

Written by Ryan Pryor on November 27, 2021
Category: X-Ray Lead Aprons


Our protective apparel department is not only one of our fastest-growing departments, it's one of our proudest departments to speak about and show to our customers. Techno-Aide has made large advances over the last few years to provide the highest-quality products with the fastest turnaround time possible. 


What we want to highlight is the life cycle of one of our protective apparel products and how those products are brought to you with the highest quality and as fast as possible. 


The first thing is our fabric and media selector. No matter what you order, whether it be our regular lead, our lightweight lead, or our lead-free options, whether you want it in green, purple, blue, or yellow, Techno-Aide wants to provide all of these options to you to make the perfect customized option but as fast and as quick and as efficient as possible. 


Using our fabric and media selector through this process, we can choose what we need for any order as quickly and as effectively as possible by simply using the machine to rotate and select. What we do then is take these fabrics and media and we use digital precision cutting to provide an exact product that you have ordered every single time. We know that instead of doing it by hand, the machine cutting at the first stages we can provide the highest quality, the most precision, and exactly what you want every single time. 


When we talk about precision and we talk about accuracy, what Techno-Aide has advanced in is the ability to cut everything the same way, the same time, every time. What we do here is we are actually able to pre-cut select products based on our orders and based on our selections that you have as a customer. For example, we have precut selections for our thyroid guard or other thyroid collars. We also have our different options is our light-weight or no-lead media. It's a common misconception that there is only one type of media and only one layer. Techno-Aide uses multiple layers of media to provide a supple feel and a flexible product that is more comfortable for long-term use. You can see with precision cuts not only with the media itself but with the fabrics they are built to work together in unison to create an entirely efficient and precision-cut product at the highest quality available every time. 


What goes into a protective garment? Well obviously there are all your colors and fabric and different styles, but what's most important is what's inside. Everybody knows it's what's inside that counts the most. With our protective apparel products, we talk a lot about our protective media. We as Techno-Aide are proud to offer three different types of protective media: we offer our regular lead, our no-lead, and our lightweight lead. These three options allow you to shop with confidence and know that you can get the perfect garment any time no matter the desire, no matter the budget. 


What is interesting is when you think about lead, you think about it as "lead" as a mineral. Well, it's a common misconception that you have one big piece of solid lead inside of these garments, when in fact you tend to have layers of flexible, pliable material. Techno-Aide proudly manufacturers our garments with multiple layers to ensure that you get the best pliability and the best comfort for any product that you order.  

Learn more about our X-Ray Lead Apron Quality Verification process, shop our full collection of Radiation Protection Aprons, or watch the full Apron Construction video below: