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X-Ray Lead Apron Quality Verification

Written by Ryan Pryor on November 27, 2021
Category: X-Ray Lead Aprons


Techno-Aide believes in the quality of our radiation protection aprons and x-ray protective apparel so it's important that we hold our suppliers to a highest level available for any sort of products or materials that come into our building. What is more important than ensuring the things that protect you are the highest quality and the the most scrutinized products available? 


Techno-Aide ensures every product that comes into our building, every form of media whether it be our regular, our light-weight, or our lead-free has gone through every level of testing through physicists to ensure it meets the industry standards and quality, through constant quality control ensuring that the products themselves are conforming, that they are pliable, and that they meet our internal rigorous standards and not just the industry's. 


What Techno-Aide does to help ensure quality on our end is every single radiation protection product from beginning to the end is traceable and tracked. This way Techno-Aide knows what was done to it, where it was in our building, and who touched it at any time to ensure that if there were ever any questions what so ever we have immediate answers and provide you the highest-quality peace of mind. 


This is the same level of scrutiny and the same level of quality that we hold our suppliers to as well. Everyone that Techno-Aide works with is required to have the same type of traceability so that at any point we can go through and pull any information that is needed on any product should we ever have  a question or should we ever want to know more. 


Read more about Choosing the Right X-Ray Lead Apron and about The Best Lead Aprons for Radiation Protection now. Watch the full video about Techno-Aide's Quality Verification below: